I was wondering if anyone here has anyone has had to deal with these issues or know or this type of thing happening. If so can you help me understand why the case was handled in the matter that it was. This case took place in a rather large school district and involed a seventeen year old gril who was known to have a learning disablity involeing handwriteing. This was due to an motor skills disablity the student was also known to be gifted . In the year the young woman who had been takeing a honors course load was told by the teacher of the class that she was going to have to drop the class but, this was only after the young woman was made the butt end of the class jokes. She was also told that she was going to be made drop the class becouse the teacher could not understand her written work. The teacher also told the young woman in the same breath that it took no more than listening to her in class verbal response to make it clear that the young woman was one of the brightest kids in the class. This was beganing to anger the young woman who thought for a person who was never suppose to be able to hold a writeing implentent much less to write was doing well. She thought it would end there but, it didn’t the teacher took it to the head of the school’s special education program ( this is where my question comes in to play). The teacher, the student and the SBC chairperson had a meeting in the hallway . I was under the impression that in a case like this the dignty of the student was suppose to be presevered . This case goes even futher when the student began to become upset the classroom teacher commented that she had thought that the young woman had been mature enough to handle the sitution but she quess that she was mistaken. It wasn’t the case but, how it was being handled that upset her in the frist place. It goes even futher in the fact that the teacher wanted to have the young woman pulled from all of the classes and put completely in the EC program. Those two teacher’s and the home school contact person went to the young womans home and tried to get her parents to go against what she had said about the whole sitution . The young woman’s parent sided with her child . The young woman remained in the class but struggled not with matrial but, with the teacher. I have no problem with the fact that the the teacher’s noticed problem and tried to fix it but, my issue is with how they handled the whole thing. I was wondering if you can see any ethics issues here becouse as hard as I try I can’t find any other way to say it was anything but a breech in ethics. If anyone has any comments on this please let me hear them so I can try and understand this. All this being said I will now tell you that I was that young woman and I graduationed from high school with a 3.0 GPA and went to college to study Education and creative writeing and yet I still can’t understand the whole sitution .
Re: question
I’m sorry you were treated badly.
I’m very happy your parents were able to stand up for you. To see someone stand up for us reinforces our worth and teachs us better how to self-advocate.
The teacher made a mistake. It could have been melious intent. It sounds more like a stupid, wasn’t thinking error.
I am glad you have moved on.
I expect most of us have dealt with at least one situation like that. In fact, many of us have dealt with teachers who successfully denied opportunities to our kids. It’s great that you got past it ) — and it sounds like you taught that teacher something, and have learned from it yourself (I bet you’re not likely to make that mistake since you’ve been at the receiving end).
One communication suggestion — even folks w/o LDs find it very hard to read long passages without any breaks. HItting the ol’ “return” key every once in a while will mean people can understand what you’re saying better.