How do we make sure, as teachers, that we are meeting all of our students needs in an inclusive classroom? and how can we make sure they are benefitting from us in other ways besides using tests? i want to be able to meet all of my student’s needs when i become a teacher, so any advice would be appreciated!
Um, the best advice in most situations would be — don’t teach in a public school.
Okay, maybe not most situations — but for kids who are behind in skills and need them built… limping along in an inclusive classroom has limited usefulness.
Enough negativity — if you have time for planning and good training, it can be done. has some excellent ideas — and they will also work for resources when the issue comes up in classes you may be taking.
Also be sure to look at Kate Garnett’s article in the “Inclusion: Issues and Answers” section of this site (look in LD inDepth or For Teachers or Both)