My students are thrilled with these sets of SAT picture vocabulary flashcards. There are 450 commonly used words on the SAT/ACT Each card has a picture as well as a sentence, punctuation, and definition. It’s great for my visual learners, but all of my students are enthusiastic and are learning the words so quickly. It’s a wonderful method of learning words. You can see what I mean at their site:
I’ve also used these with students I tutor. They work wonderfully well, far better thean my previous approaches, which included first Latin and Greek roots/common word parts, then student-created flashcards (word on one side, Ton the other, with personal definition written across the top of the T, word used correctly in a sentence to the right of the T, and an illustration of the word/sentence to the left of the T.)
I have actually been very suprised at how much better my student is retaining words…we’ve been using the cards for a few months, and she’s retained more than 90% of the words (weekly probes).
For the price, I am extremely satisfied!