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HELP!!! CSE meeting on

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am new to this message board and I am hoping that someone can help me. My son Evan is 5 1/2 years old. He was 3 months premature and suffers no great physical disabilities. He is VERY distracted in school and they are talking about putting him in a blended classroom even though his cognative testing is in the normal range. I would not object to him going in a blended classroom except that he would be in a different achool and 1) he is used to his school 2) his brother goes to the same school. Next year he would move back to this school for first grade. The big problem is that his school now does not have a blended Kindergarten. Any suggestions on his CSE meeting? Also, does anyone know anything about a headset that the student wears and the teacher talks into a microphone? Someone had mentioned this at one point and I think that it would be very helpful for Evan.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/17/2003 - 4:40 AM


The headset that you mentioned is called an Assistive Listening Device or an Auditory Trainer. It helps children with ADD to focus better in the classroom setting. Also it’s good for hearing impaired children to help develop auditory memory. My daughter and I have used Assistive Listening Devices for years. We are both hearing impaired and we have ADD.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/22/2003 - 5:53 PM



I’m not familiar with the term “blended.” Would you explain?

My son doesn’t use an assistive listening device but others in his school do. He’s wore the mic piece while giving speechs and such (as do all the children) and its seen as no big thing. Presented properly, it would not make your son stand out in a negative way.

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