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Connected Mathematics

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I attended our 8th grade non-LD daughters curriculum night at school this week, and learned that they are once again adopting a new math program. This follows on the footprints of Chicago Everyday Math, which was a nightmare. When I do research on this program, I find many negative comments. Do any of you have experience with this program? What do you like about it, and what do you not like? Any information would be very helpful!

Submitted by Shel on Mon, 09/22/2003 - 2:53 PM


Connected Math just sends me into nightmares.

Our school started using this language based program last year when my son was in the sixth grade. Frustrated, anger, disappointed, deception all went through my mind. My biggest complaint that this curriculum change was not noted when we had his IEP. This is a language based program and my son biggest struggle is with language arts. I felt this should have presented at his IEP.

First, my biggest suggestion would be to get the rubric scoring from his teacher. I didn’t understand how they were scoring until I was able to read the rubric for myself. Second, in our district we are not allowed to write in the textbooks. This was a struggle for my son. So, we copied the entire notebooks on one sided pages so he could copy notes from the board one the page where the information should be located. He also struggled with taking notes and listening. So, he was eventually allowed to copy from the overhead during the end of class. This helped to keep all the information together and spelling errors to a minimal, so I could help him when he got home.

This year seems to be going okay. He is able to show his math work with this teacher without writing the sentences and just labeling his answers, but it’s only the fifth weeks of school.

I like this math because it makes them think about there answers and what it means. I can’t believe I just wrote that but it’s true. Last year I hated it. I have looked up information about this program and found negative replies, as well as, positive. If I can answer any questions for you please contact me.

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