I surf the LD Bulletin board often always open to new oppinions.
What is Interactive used for LD,ADD,PDD, or is it only used for Auditory processing disorders? I have a child with LD and one with PDD. It is all incompasing when you have so many programs that might work.
That is why this site is needed, to help other parents.
Thanks again,
IM/auditory processing
One of my child’s Therapist thought that my child might benifit from auditory processing testing. So, when I inquired about the testing Two different people (teacher and pschol)called and were saying no that isn’t the problem it is all language.
Now, I am thinking it could benifit my daughter because she has ADD and I think if she hears info louder it might help,
From what I understand your IQ has to be average before they would even do the testing.
IM is used for a variety types of children. It is used for attention, sequencing, and motor issues mostly, I think. I saw though a post on one of these boards from a mom reporting major changes in her son with Asberger’s, which suggest it could possibly be useful for other spectrum diagnoses.
My kid’s school does IM in a group setting for kid’s without severe issues (they do a screening of timing) and has found it beneficial for a wide variety of issues.