My son’s CRCT test results came in and before I request a psycholeducational assessment, I would like to make sure that his discrepancies are significant. His last school talked me into waiting till the CRCT came back which was early this year. His doctors are loosing patience because we have requested further evaluations from the school for 2 years. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. We are in GA.
Reading 278
English Language Arts 276
Math 312
From my understanding there has to be a large difference from one subject to another.
Thanks, Sandy
Criteria for Assessments
Thanks keb, I am actually sending the letter tomorrow. I had made my request in writing to the previous schools he went to. They drug their feet so bad I went ahead and had an assessment done privately. Yes, it does cost money but I knew I could trust an outside center. To my surprise, I did not know the school does not have to go with any of the recommendations from the evaluation results. I am not sure why they ask me to wait til the CRCT tests came back. They made me believe that those were used more than anything to tell where a child is on an academic level. I am mainly trying to prepare myself for what evr reason they may come up with on why we shouldn’t test him. His pediatrician and 2 pscycologist all are telling me to make them test him. They also said he needs to be re-evaluated yearly. I will see what they say. He is in a different school this year. I am not sure the lenght of time they have to do it either. I am just confused about the diviences they need to justify the testing. Thanks for your help! Sandy
Hi Sandy,
It’s my understanding that the CRCT is designed to measure whether or not students meet minimumum expectations for a given grade level. According to information I received when I was working for a public school system in Georgia, CRCT scores are reported as Levels in a range of 300 to 400. Level 1 (300 or below) indicates students do not yet meet expectations. Students scoring at Level 2 (300 to 349) meet the state’s expectation of being on grade level, and students at Level 3 (350 and above) exceed expectations, or are above grade level. Therefore, it appears that your son met grade level expectations in math, but not in reading or LA.
However, the CRCT does not identify learning disabilities in any way. They are simply criterion-referenced tests to assess how well students are learning the Georgia state curriculum. All that can be determined from your son’s test scores is that he has better knowledge of grade level math than of grade level reading/LA.
If you would like to have your child tested, the easiest and most efficient way to get your school system to cooperate is to make a written request for a full psychological. Federal and state laws require that the testing occur within 60 or 90 days….I’ve forgotten which, off the top of my head.
Alternatively, you can go private, and get an evealuation much more quickly (but expensively!), but the school system is not required to utilize the findings of a private evaluation, only to consider the results.
Hope this helps!