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I have a ds8 with a ld in reading, from what I have read it.

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

is dsylexia and probably disgraphia, because he can tell you stories until you are sick of them but cannot put things down on paper. He was able to gain two full years in reading last year and is currently only one year behind where he should be. The problem is that I cannot find good resources to use at home. I have bought books, borrowed books, researched on the internet and all. He is a good student. Gets mostly a’s but this is with accomidations.

his first grade year was when the testing begun, but because he is hearing impaired. we found out in first grade, and had to go through the whole psych thing to get HI assistance well he is now in 3rd grade, we have him wearing hearing aids now as well. Which has made a hugh difference! I am very sad that we did not purchase them sooner, but as I am sure you all know you get such mixed results from doctors about what they think is right.
I am going to request retesting at the end of the year. To ensure that the LD is there, I am sure that it is, all my research shows it, and if it were not for the principal at the time, he would have had the LD label at his first case conference, because I had no idea what was going on, but I am learning slowly.

I want the very best for him as all parents do but I am at a loss as to where to turn now. He has amazing teachers and did last year as well. The LD teachers and aids at his school are wonderful and have made such progress with him. But I feel that there is more that I should be doing at home, more things to work on. I also feel like I have 10 years of struggle ahead of me as we make our way through school. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Will he over come this? What can I do to help?

His testing revealed a pretty high IQ, very strong diget score. He tested above his age on lots of things, but then we have this reading/writing slump.

My biggest fear is middle/high school. Will he have to be in the ‘special ed’ room full time? Will he be able to stay in regular classes?

I realize alot of these questions cannot really be answered, but I am looking for insight from those of you who have btdt!

Thanks for listening.

Submitted by Kay on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 5:28 PM


You may find some useful information in this thread on the Schwab learnning web site.

It sounds like he might be GT/LD (or twice exceptional). Complete testing will reveal to what extent. You can try doing a web search on either GT/LD or “twice exceptional” and find lots of info.

There is no easy solution…but plan on years of hard work. Your son can do what he needs to, and probably be in regular ed classes. You’ll just have to work harder than you’d need to for a kids without the LD issues.

Good luck!


Submitted by pattim on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 5:37 PM


I wouldn’t go for the LD label, he will qualify becuase he has a hearing impairment. He is still haven’t problems with writing becuase he hasn’t had enough foundation in oral language to master reading and writing. The dysgraphia could be becuase he is still struggling with the sound/symbol relationship in writing and reading. He may also say things differently becuase that is how he is processing them and he may have underlying phonological issues that are impacting both areas.

I am an SLP, I also am hearing impaired and I have a daughter in high school who is HI, she is gifted in non-verbal areas but she has dyslexia and writing problems. She can talk a blue streak but she has problems with organizing her thoughts for writing.

You may not realize that the HI creates far reaching issues, that will impact not only his reading but his acquisition of vocabulary. Also I have noticed that kids with HI have ADD. They are hyper vigilant using their eyes to make up for what they aren’t getting from their auditory channels but they can be easily startled and distracted by loud noises and have problems with auditory processing especially in background noise and when they are tired from listening too hard they check out and let their imagination run wild..

You can look on the WEB for Writing Express. It really helped my daughter expand her writing. It is by Dr. Spivey and is also known as teaching a student Writing through focus.

You can e-mail me if you want some more help. Good luck…he is doing well and you are on top of it… He will go far!

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/10/2003 - 11:11 PM


Will a diagnosis of a hearing impairment get a child extra time on standardized testing? (I’m thinking the SAT). Will it get any accomadations in college? I was under the impression that you needed that LD label to get those things. It’s just something else to consider for kids going into middle school or high school. I know the LD label got my son special accomodations on the state mandated testing in middle school. It’s just another thing to consider.



Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 6:32 AM


But on SAT’s I think with a hearing impairment I got written instructions to accompany the verbal instructions. I got accomodations in college to take tests…I got more time because of my ADD, I got an assistive listening device and a note taker if I wanted one due to my hearing impairment. I suppose you can get other accomodations for SAT tests but I am not aware of any others.

Submitted by Janis on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 8:58 PM


Accommodations are available on an IEP regardless of what the label is. Technically, a HI child cannot be labeled LD in reading due to the fact that the hearing impairment is a sensory disorder which has likely caused the delays as opposed to LD which indicates a processing disorder and not a sensory impairment. Of course, it is possible to have both issues, but the IEP is to address the learning problems, so the label of LD vs. hearing impaired is really immaterial. You can get the same accommodations as you would if the child was LD.

Most HI kids have language, reading, and written expression problems. However, they will need the same kind of methods as a dyslexic child would need. Sadly, you are unlikley to find this in school. Personally, I’d be looking for a Lindamood Bell tutor if I had a hearing impaired child. I am a hearing impaired teacher and I have already learned Phono-Graphix and am taking the Lindamood Bell trainings. But this is very umcommon, because schools rarely provide this type of training for teachers.


Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/21/2003 - 7:26 PM


can get maximum assistance and he is receiving that currently with the HI label. But there is defiently some LD there, although I have been told its minor, I don’t want to dismiss it. He has an absolutly wonderful LD teacher and she maximizes his resources. He gets 1 hour a day, inclusive, in addition to speech, small groups. accomidations during ISTEP testing and so on. BUT they are going to push again this year for the LD label. I am really torn on what to do? take it or not. It will allow him basically the same services, but will also make sure that the teachers recognize it. Kwim?

I certainly do not feel like I am top of it. I am trying to learn. I have been borrowing books where available and buying books through the bookstore here. I don’t think that I have learned anything new though, they all give the same information.

I guess it is because I have been looking for some miracle cure that I am not going to find. kwim?

well thanks for listening, I will keep searching.
Someday I will find something new. I am going to look for the writing express right now.


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