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Looking for Simple speaking spell checker

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My daughter is in 4th grade and the homework and amount of reading has really increased. She tries to do her homework at my office, while I am with patients, but can’t read some of it, and it takes twice as long. She wants to be independent and just get it done, so I have just ordered a Reading Pen II that will read the words or text out loud and also has a speaking dictionary. I would also like to get her a Speaking Spell checker, but I haven’t found one I want.
I know Franklin makes all kinds, but I can’t find just a SPEAKING
Spell checker without all the bells and whistles. There is a spell checker with a thesaurus, but it doesn’t speak. There are spell checkers with dictionaries, games, etc, but more expensive than I want, and the Reading Pen already has a dictionary
Any suggestions about a simple Speaking Spell checker, possibly with a thesaurus from any other company?
We are alos looking at getting the books on tape, but sometimes she just needs help with a few words. Also, she doesn’t want to haul too much stuff around in her backpack. It is overloaded the way it is, and the Reading Pen would be quicker for paragraphs, single pages, looking up word definitions, etc.
Thanks!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/13/2003 - 11:43 AM


My son uses the Speaking Homework Wiz by Franklin; if you are looking for one in a certain price range, you should post that range….this speaking speller costs about $50.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 10/13/2003 - 12:57 PM


This isn’t cheaper in the short run but it may be cost effective and more helpful in the long run. Look into a computer program called Write Outloud published by Don Johnston. It can be used in combination with word prediction software called CoWriter, also by Don Johnston. Write Outloud reads back what the child has written. CoWriter offers word choices for writing and assists with grammar and sentence construction which is a big help for dyslexic and dysgraphic children. Another good writing program is Draft Builder, which organizes thoughts for writing. Inspiration is another good program for organizing ideas. All of these will do what reading pens and spellcheckers do but also have much more helpful features. You maybe could even get the school to provide a copy of the software at home if it is needed to do homework. Of course you would want to make them provide it in school.

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