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Question for teachers who use Wilson

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Do you write your reading and spelling objectives to match the sub-steps in Wilson? If so, how many objectives do you usually end up with? I have been doing two objectives for each sub-step, one for reading and one for spelling. On an IEP I did this week, there ended up being between 9-12 objectives just based on Wilson, once I estimated how far I thought we’d get by June. Our sped. director thought that was too many and wondered if it would be possible to meet them all. I ended up taking out the last 4, and figure that if he masters the others by the next PPT in March I can add those back in for the last few months of the year. How do others usually do this?

Submitted by Sue on Sun, 10/26/2003 - 2:29 PM


Can you generalize them?
Frankly, one of the strenghts of the program is that things are broken down into smaller objectives. Could you just use a smaller font size for the objectives?

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