I just recently read an article about these centers for kids/adults with LDs and/or ADHD which started in the UK and now are starting to open in the US. Can anyone provide me with first hand knowledge? Thanks.
Re: DORE Achievement Centers
Agree with NancyW.
Just wanted to mention that Scientific American had an article recently on stimulating the cerebellum. (The article may be available online at their website, or check the library.) According to Scientific American, it’s thought that the cerebellum is responsible for sensory integration.
The Scientific American article was one reason why I sent off for the Dore information, rather than writing it off as just another expensive therapy. Sounds like a reasonable program, I assume at a reasonable price. (Don’t know what all is involved, but I understand at least one of their testing machines is quite expensive). Dore is also somewhat individualized, based on test results.
I also thought it sounded very similar to NeuroNet. The problem with NeuroNet is finding a qualified therapist. The “packaging” aspect of Dore may make it more widely available.
Sally, I some posts on this on an ADD forum (which I got to through ggogle). It was suggested that the exercises were largely similar to those in the Learning Breakthrough Program, which costs about $300, not the $3000 for Dore. You’d also not have to go up to Boston—but then you would not get the fancy cerebellum measurements either. Learning Breakthrough can be found at www.balametrics.com.
You can go to their web site and get their free videotape. Although I’m a bit turned off by the commercial nature of their business, I think they probably have a significant piece of the puzzle. I’m not sure about their explanations (all about the functioning of the cerebellum) but I bet much of their stuff works.
There are other therapies/interventions with similarities to what they do: Neuronet, balametrics.com, bal-a-vis-x.com, the Handle Institute (www.handle.org), and some vision therapy. I believe that at least one of the common pieces is addressing deficits of the vestibular system.