Does anyone use Explode the Code to teach decoding skills? I have a group of 12 students, LD and CI who have varied reading ability. All are dependent on me for direction and a great deal of scaffolding. Thanks.
Explode the Code
I am a Phono-Graphix tutor. I sometimes use the first few Explode the Code workbooks for extra practice for decoding cvcc and ccvc words. Unfortunately the later books teach consonant blends instead of teaching students to blend the consonants because they are separate sounds.
Re: Explode the Code
I downloaded a few pages. It looks great for a kid (that is what I saw) looks great for someone with milder problems or no problems at all except isn’t learning by Whole Language. (Research based method as it is researched and found not to work :-)). However, I don’t think it would be much good for someone who was really dyslexic, unless used as Anitya suggests.
The drawings are nicely done and look suitable for a little bigger age range than suggested (ie aren’t too babyish). Also I liked the visual discrim. stuff in there.
Our tutor uses the explode the code. We are on book 7. I like the workbook because it has pictures which I believed helped my daughter understand the words. We do the workbook at home and then the tutor goes over it with her.This level is a challenge for my child, it uses a particular phoneme for the session and has a story that uses that phoneme. My child usually is in shock when she sees the story because of the small print and length but usually gets thru it just fine with lots of encouragement.