My third grade daughter is having tremendous difficulty in school this year. the school has recently agreed to move to PPT and testing. Many modifications have been added to the classroom for her, which has helped but she is still struggling. She has difficulty with spelling, expressing herself in written form (ideas, not handwriting), and remembering some words at times that she should remember, in addition to a slow processing speed. It took my duagher most of second grade to learn the suffix “-ed” was not spelled “-id”. She also frequently misses letters in words that can be clearly heard. We have had her ears checked by an audiologist thinking that perhaps she was missing a sound, but they checked out OK. Now, I have several questions:
1. Do the CELF-3 and TAPS cover the same things covered in the Wepman Auditory Discrimination Test or the Test of Auditory Analysis Skills (TAAS)?
2. Is possible to have poor reading comprehension with good critical thinking skills, ie the book does not have to explicit for her to understand what is being said?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Dear Mom,
I am a grown women with Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability.
I went to a handicap school, years ago, when there was no testing. I stuggle all thru my school years never learning much or getting the help that I really needed. But I’m here to tell you that I’ve made great strides and over come surmountable obsticals! If you’d like to chatt please contact me at… [email protected] or visit me at my website . I’d be more then willing to help you… :P