Not being a Dale Carnegie grad and having been put through the mill by bureaucratic turds I think we need to resort to tactics that will circumvent their resistance by making it in their best interest not to screw with us.
We need to learn how to hit below the belt.
When they hide behind some bullsheit interpretation of some bullsheit rule inorder to screw us we need to get personal and threatening. We need to let azzoles know that if we are not given what we need they will be in deep sheit.
Thing are going to get tougher for us because we have a murdering AZZOLE in the White House and social programs will be taking a back seat to him trying to actualize his Daddy’s new world order.
There is a simple axiom. If you are not for me then you are against me. If someone is against me they are against you as well. Don’t let these people have a pleasant day for the rest of their lives.
Re: Dealing with human impediments
Dubya is baked for sure. Coke will do that. He also so was born without heart so when Cheney’s ticker conks out braindead Bush won’t be a donor.
I hope they both die of rectal cancer.
Sometimes I wonder if W might not have an LD himself. Either that or brain damage from the drugs and drinking. LOL.