Hi! I’m just wondering if any occupational therapists have read the article (a link is on ldonline’s home page) about the new cerebellum-stimulating exercises for dyslexia. Is there research from the o/t field about this? My son receives o/t for sensory processing issues (he’s only 4 and I think his prereading skills are solid, so I don’t see dyslexia in his future—right now). Thanks, in advance. :)
Hello, I just joined. what a great place. I rec’d ot for my youngest child, who is 11 years old. He loved it and yes, I think it helps. Joe is pretty severe case. He is 11 probably reading at a 3rd grade level at most. He will never be able to spell. The ot for him was fun, we did lots of exercise on a ball, crossover activities. He “bounces” out his spelling words on a trampoline, spelling and bouncing and it really helps. The thing with him though, is helping him retain the info. Anyway, I say it is worth a try. I have heard balancing on a wobble board is helpful too. I have more tips if you want them. Amanda