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parenting the young adult with LD

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Parenting does not end when the severely LD child graduates from school but continues as he struggles for independent livingI. If the young adult does not meet the criteria for developmental disabilities or mental illness, the role of the parent is more important than ever because eventually there are no more programs - just family. I do not know of any networking among families of adults with learning disabilities, and I would be interested if any exist in the southeast. I’m not interested in a support group that talks about the problem but rather parents who are interested in working together to solve some problems such as finding roommates, offering financial supervision, perhaps applying for grants for an on-sight mentor for several individuals in 2-3 apartments. How do I go about persuing this idea? Also, I have heard that in NY Developmental Disabilities money can flow to LD individuals for services…is that true?

Submitted by TEacher on Tue, 08/17/2004 - 5:44 PM


Hi, Susie,
I think there’s a lot out there to help young adults with LD. I just think that these options need to be explored. One place to look might be the Learning Disabilities Association in your state. On their home page, there is a place you can click on to access your state chapter. There is also a place to click on for adults with learning disabilities. The URL for the National LDA is

Hope this helps!

Sandy Gauvin

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