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Earlham, Beloit, Guilford. St Mary's of Md?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I have a very bright, adhd son who has been accepted to these schools. We love Earlham in Indiana but found the person in charge of ld services there to be, well, less welcoming than we’d hoped. My kid won’t need a lot of services, perhaps just a point person to check that he is on track with long term assignments, but we’d like to get a better sense of the academic culture and the flexibility of the above schools so we can make the best choice. Help!

Submitted by PT1 on Wed, 03/23/2005 - 12:31 AM


<<I have a very bright, adhd son who has been accepted to these schools. We love Earlham in Indiana but found the person in charge of ld services there to be, well, less welcoming than we’d hoped. My kid won’t need a lot of services, perhaps just a point person to check that he is on track with long term assignments, but we’d like to get a better sense of the academic culture and the flexibility of the above schools so we can make the best choice>>


I know 2 people who went there. The first person has ADHD and graduated in 2000. He/She did very well.
I have to admit though that I don’t know anything about the services it provides for students with LD/ADHD. I did have the sense though that there was alot of academic flexibility at the school.

The 2nd person I know went there several years ago. This person didn’t have LD/ADHD but was definitely not your conventional person.

I hope this helps.


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