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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am at my wits end. Every year my daughter makes friends and by the middle of the year she has fallen out with the group of friends. She cannot understand what she has said/done. It seems to get sorted out - but she seems to be a magnet for bullies/people who tease and she cannot take this. She is a very sensitive girl with dyslexia/dyscalculia can you or anyone help me with any ideas of how we can go around this problem. I have spoken or written to her tutor at school and it doesnt seems to be resolved even spoken to year head/key stage 3 head…. what can we do now! :)

Submitted by AnneV on Sun, 05/01/2005 - 12:58 AM


My son has a similar problem. I was told it is because he in not reconizing social clues.

He has group visits with the guidance counciler to work on better way to handle bullies and to better reconize social clues. I have seen improvement. :)

Submitted by geodob on Sun, 05/01/2005 - 8:01 AM


This comes under the label NLD, non verbal learning disorder.

Submitted by KarenN on Thu, 06/02/2005 - 12:04 PM


Every child with social issues is does not have a non-verbal learning disability, just to clarify.

Children with language based LD (dyslexia for example) do not process language normally and that can cause social problems. Slow processing, anxiety, word retrieval, etc can all contribute to this issue.

You don’t say how old your daughter is, but chances are she could benefit from some speech/language work on her social use of langugage (pragmatics) or some social skills therapy. We’ve done it all with our LD son at various times in his life.

My observation is that some children just need to be taught certain social skills explicitly.

Submitted by renee99 on Fri, 06/03/2005 - 1:30 AM


as part of an IEP, you may want to look at having her work with a school psych or social worker to work on social skills.

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