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ADHD and LD question

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My son is K5. We was diagnoised with ADHD last fall. We have been working on getting a dosage right with his medication and we seem to have found it for now. He attended 3 and 4 year old preschool programs, however I don’t feel that he learned much. My question is this: He has been in school a full 9 weeks now and still can not recognize his letters and numbers. Is this common in children with ADHD? What are we as a family instore for as far as dealing with school issues? He has a wonderfulk teacher who is doing everything that she can, however the guidence counselor doesn’t seem to be helping.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/16/2002 - 9:28 PM


9 weeks isn’t very long at all. Give it some time. It’s true that it can be harder to learn for some ADHD children but your post suggest you only just found the right dosage for him.

Give it some time and thank your lucky stars that you have a wonderful teacher. Not every child does.

If you want to help, you could pleasantly reinforce the skills he’s working on in the evening at home but always in a fun way. Get some shaving cream and write some numbers. Sing the ABC song before going to sleep. Make letters out of Playdough. Have fun while learning.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/03/2002 - 11:07 PM


Give him a little more time, but consider having him tested for other learning disabilities, particularly dyslexia.

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