I have noticed that students in the elementary setting are often labeled as ADHD. It has been a drastic increase if dianosis. I was winder if people are becoming more aware of it or do these children just have behavior problems? I an leaning towards the behavior solutions because, so teacher can’t handle them so they give them a disorder.
Many time kids b/c beh problems b/c it's better than admitti
Johnny will get alot more “laughs” and acceptance from being funny and “acting out” from friends and peers if he challenges the teacher than if he can’t read. Sad, but true way too often.
Re: How do you determine students with ADHD?
ADHD or ADD is very real; the question is how many children and adults have ADHD and how many really are helped long term by the right med. The answers for the numbers of those with ADHD as well as the numbers of those who respond well to an ADHD over time may be lower than what the news media generally reports (as in almost everyone has ADHD and the ADHD meds work for almost everyone - both of which are fibs).
Symptoms of ADHD tend to cluster around: Inattention (distractibility, short attention span), hyperactivity (hyperkinesis), and impulsivity. The hyperactivity and impulsivity can be low or missing in ADHD Inattentive.
Classic ADHD is a real neurological diagnosis like epilepsy, Tourette’s, Parkinson’s or TBI/ABI. The best place to secure a diagnosis of classic ADHD is from a physician (a medical doctor). That’s my observation.
Re: How do you determine students with ADHD?
My beliefe is that many children today do have a behavioral problem and it is being passed off as ADD/ADHD.
Our world has changed. Kids today carry a lot. Divorce, molestations, incest, alcoholis/drug addicted parent. Arguing that breaks a kids heart. One parent against the other and putting the child in the middle. peer pressure is the Worst.
I always taught my kids neve to stare or to make fun of anyone who was differnt than us. Then again who could be worse that one with ADD/ADHD? I say that in a humorous manner. WE laugh at all the dumb things we do.
But to answer your question, the answer is yes. You or I do not live with that child. The parents can tell us one thing and something else is going on that contributes to a behavioral problem which ten in turn gets pushed off to ADD/ADHD and then unessessary meds.
its real
Do a search for the Amen clinic and their brain scans. Adhd is real.
As to increased diagnosis-when I was a kid adhd was not known and those kids were left out and left behind. If they made a living working on oil rigs or the farm, good for them but if they ended up unskilled and with social problems - too bad.
ADHD is not determined by teachers-it is a medical condition and if you don’t have a license to practice medicine you do not diagnose it.
It is an incedibly rare kid who doesn’t want to able to read. It is not at all rare to find kids who can read because they can’t focus or process. According to my pediatrician the percentage of his ADHD patients has remained around 9% for 15 years.
In my older son’s case, it has nothing to do whatsoever with behavior problems. He has adhd without hyperactivity. He has never been a behavior problem. He was diagnosed by a dr., the teacher only let me know what his specific school problems were, I took it from there. The ped. suggested he could have a learning disability and referred us to the developmental ped. This was 8 years ago. I believe there may be some teachers who feel the way you suppose, I haven’t met up with any myself and I have two children in school, 6th and 8th grades. I do hear about other parents occasionally whose kids’ teachers or principals are pushing for the diagnosis and medicine.