i am new to middle school and although i have taught resource this is new. how do you set things up, what policies do you have in place? what are some suggestions for organization? when you have iep’s, how do you inform all team members? if a student comes to me for math do i also invite her core math teacher? any help would be really appreciated.
http://www.resourceroom.net/older/index.asp has some articles that mgiht help - go down to “tips for a productive resource room” and you’ll find how I dealt with it.
Setting up communicaiton *before* there are problems is a big help, as well as finding a way to make sure accommodations actually happen. It’s not particularilyhelpful to have “tests read to student” if there’s no person available to do it, and/or the student has to basically stand up and say “remember, teacher, I’m the retard who needs the accommodatoins?”