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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am a student at the University of Idaho and I am a Spec. Ed and Sec. Ed Major. I am trying to find research on classroom strategies for students who have been diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive. I know that comorbidity is likely to occur between ADHD and OCD and I was just wondering if anyone has any specific strategies that they have used to help students in the classroom learn the material. How have you broken obsessive habits and rituals? How do you help a student who is constantly not getting his/her work in on time because it isn’t perfect enough? If you have any suggestions, please email me. It would be really beneficial for me as well as the other students in my spec. ed. class. Thanks for your help!

-Jeni Rose

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 05/01/2003 - 12:04 AM


The book “Teaching the Tiger” has strategies for ADHD, OCD, Tourettes, etc. Our school psych. just lent it to me, I haven’t had a chance to read it much— end of the school year craziness has really set in!

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