Hello. I have just been offered and accepted a job teaching in a learning assistance program classroom in our division. The classroom has seven students and all of them have “severe/profound” labels. Much of what we will be working on is related to things like range of motion (lots of PT), visual tracking, showing preference (by pointing, verbally responding, or eye movement), life skills, communication (often times in the early stages of this and many will use communication devises), switch use, sensory stimulation…etc. I do have a couple of students who are a little more verbal and are doing academics including sight reading, using interactive stories, sorting coins, beginning to count…etc. I’m looking for others that may teach in similar classrooms or links that would be useful in preparing. I know that much of preparing will involve getting to know my individual students but I want to do everything I can to prepare for this.
Re: New here! Looking for others in same type of job...
I’ve spent some time on the SET BC website and I think its great… like you I found the picture stuff the most useful but I think there are a lot of great training videos that you can watch there too :). I think that BC for sure is taking a step in the right direction.
I am in Alberta - but taught in BC for 6 years at the beginning of my career (in a private school). We are just at a point here where adaptive technology has to be written in to every IEP starting this September. I have sat on an adaptive technology committee for our division for the past 2 years in the hopes of setting out some sort of framework as to what this would mean for our division. We are in on the path but have a long way to go!
Thanks for the hello! I look forward to learning and sharing more as this year goes on.
Re: New here! Looking for others in same type of job...
Hello. My cousin has an LD daughter (what LD I’m not sure) and she has been helped by a teacher (Dianne Craft) who has turned consultant on helping kids with LD’s. The teacher’s website it ‘diannecraft.org’ and another woman who worked with her on coining a new term “Brain Intergration Therapy” is Rebecca Kennard, whose site is ‘LearningHyperlinks.com’. They have very simple things they ask the children to do and it seems to have deep and lasting effects. My cousin has just started doing some of the work and I’m just checking this out myself so I can’t vouch for it deeply. It definitely seems worth checking out though. Thanks for choosing to teach those who need extra care. Warmly, Wendy.
Sounds exciting. It’s hard to anticipate the children’s strengths and weaknesses ahead of time. Reading the IEP’s would be interesting to see if they adequately portray the child. First thing would be to revise the IEP so that you do “meet” the student. I’m in B.C. Canada and often feel we’re behind the US, especially in areas of technology. However, I do think our SET BC program (special educational technology) might have some info on their site. I like the set bc picture set part of the site - has visual cues, schedule boards and social stories. For behavior issues I’ve enjoyed “The Incredible 5-point scale”. All the best.