I am working with an 8 year boy in the Caribbean. I have my masters of education, some experience and education in special education though do not hold a degree in the field. LD Online has been a wonderful resource.
Having said that I have been having wonderful success with Ron Davis’ program involving the “Orientation Spot” and finding the “minds eye.”(“Gift of Learning” 1997) With this I have combined Mc Guinness’ work, “Reading Reflex” using sound codes. I would appreciate any comments on these programs and any suggestions.
He also is showing signs of dyscalculia. For this I am basing my program on Constance Kamii’s Piaget based method of allowing the child to “reinvent arithmatic.”
All seems to be going well, but I would really like a sounding post for my ideas and processes.
He has been tested and diagnosed with dyslexia though they did not mention the math issues.
Hi Malolo,
I run a forum for Dyscalculia, where Visual-Spatial Dyscalculia is a common sub-type.
It appears that Davis’s book has helped with Visual working memory. Though mental maths also involves Spatial working memory, which is used for working with the ‘Order of Operations’ that maths uses.