Hello my name is Jeanine;
Now I have a 9year old daughter that is struggling every day at home and at school to catch up with her piers at school. My daughter is in 3rd grade this year her 1st report card this year was all F’s in every subject. I keep in touch with all of her teachers and they keep saying that she is improving. My question is if she is improving than why does she have all F’s on her report card. 2nd marking period she has a B in Reading but only at a 2nd grade level, an F in Writing, and C’s in everything else. Around Christmas time we had our IEP meeting where I brought up some stuff I learned from this web site and did not get anywhere with the Teachers, Councilors, and LD teachers. I have requested that I get updates at least 3 times a year, for her to be tested on specific learning areas to see exactly what areas she is struggling in, and About how often the Dibels tests were given and what the results were. I had asked for a chart or something showing me how well she is improving and in what areas she is improving in but I did not get any results.(I don’t under stand all the different Standard scores and Percientile rank scores that are use in most of the test that I receive results for) As for the specific tests they said it was not necessary for her to be tested in all areas or to get specific areas on where we need to concentrate on because she is to young. From what I understand from this web site is that the sooner we pinpoint certain areas the better. I don’t understand why they keep saying this to me. During last years IEP meeting I said we need to do something because she was showing me signs last year of her shutting down and realizing she does not learn as fast as her piers. They insisted that I was wrong and they did not feel that was the case. Well guess what She is shutting down she comes home sometimes and asks me how come she can’t read as fast or learn as fast as other piers. In the beginning of the year her math teacher was giving the class 1 minute to do 15 addition facts. Well my daughter would get them all done but all answers were wrong. One day I asked her why because I know she knows the answers. She said to me that she can’t use her fingers and she only has a minute to do all 15 questions. I called the teacher and asked why she has to have this test timed and she said it was a requirement well in her IEP it states that she is exempt from timed tests. Well I guess that does not count for this type of test. So now they are doing x’s facts and she is inside every day from recess because she can’t get all the fact right. I would have to guess if she was not timed on this test that maybe she would get more facts write. Another example I make her write her spelling works 5 times each every day Monday through Wednesday come Wednesday I give her a spelling test and the ones she gets wrong she has to write 5 times each. Well she will know most of her spelling words on Thursday night when I give her another spelling test and come Friday she get almost all of the 15 spelling words wrong. Why is this? Is it because she feels rushed at school with her class or just that she really does not remember them? I can give her that same test on Friday night and she does good (no she does not get all of them right) but she get most of them she will bring home that same test on Monday’s or Tuesday and has almost all of the spelling words wrong. I really makes me wonder.. I have recently asked for her speech/ language teacher to give her the same test on Fridays along with the test she takes with the class and compare them. I guess we will see what happens. Now it is 3rd quarter progress reports came out and she has N’s (for needs improvement) in ever subject. Makes me really confused. This year really counts because of some stupid test called the fcats it’s a test that regardless of what the child does during the school year if they don’t pass this test they don’t pass on to 4th grade. My daughter was already held back in kindergarten so this would place 2 years behind her piers. I don’t think that is fair. I have asked if there is any extra tutoring that can be done and because we are not in a title one school (the majority of the kids parents are not low income) we do not qualify but according to a website I found my income range fits in that cartira. The school has provided in the last week of 2nd quarter a program for all students to work after school 2 days a week. But it is not enough for my daughter she needs more one on one. Sometimes she gets so mad with me because she comes come from school do home work from 4 to about 7:30pm. She gets so mad at me sometime when she gets so frustrated I let her go do something else and we go back to it latter.
My daughter has come a long way since her 1st year in kindergarten where she was in Speech for 90 mins a week, language for 30 mins a week, and occupational therapy for 60 mins a week. To now she only goes to Language 30 mins a week and a LD class for extra help in reading. But sometime I don’t feel she is getting the one on one that see needs sometimes I wonder if its not used as a play time other than a learning session. Her reading levels are still at a 2nd grade level. She has a hard time sounding out words. And unfortunately I can’t help her with that because I can’t either. Most all of my spelling and reading is based on memory. I have a hard time sounding out words because I don’t know what sounds all the letters make together. That’s why anything I have to write is done in word then copy and pasted where I need to put it. My Hand writing sucks but I can type. My husband seems to think she is just lazy and is just not trying hard enough. I keep telling him that I don’t think it is true. Yes there are times I feel this is true but must of the time I really do feel she is really trying. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing the write things for her. Any sugestions would be greatly appraciated.If you would like to hear my story about growing up with LD its on the Adult formal.
[Modified by: Jeanine on February 17, 2007 01:56 AM]
Re: 1st time on this forums
jeannie, I im new here and I think my daughter has the struggles as yours. But I have learned one thing about schools, specially in Florida. (I live in orlando by the way) But it is very important that you educate yourself about your daughter’s rights. Yes, your daughter has rights! I first of all, if your gut is telling you that something is not right with the way your daughter is learning……….go to the teacher, the teacher don’t want to help, go to the principal, if the principal don’t want tohelp, go straight to the School Board. Actually you can email them directly. DO NOT GIVE UP!! You have to be tough with this opeople and stay strong. Also I want to remind you that your daughter has the right to be tested for either Specific Learning Dissability or for ADHD. But it is her right and the school can not deny you that test. But then it gets tricky….Once she’s tested, she might not qualify for services. Usually they kid have to be far behing enough in order to get the services. But, if she has a learning dissability, you can go from there. You can also get a refferal from her pedritician for her to see a Specialist. Her struggles could caused by a neurological problem, it could be dislexia, etc. The important thing is that she be diagnosed with something in order for you to get the right treatment for her. This website was tremendously helpful to me. An I will tell you this, Do not accept a NO from anyone….even the teacher because you and only you know your daughter best!!! Good Luck! Don’t settle for any less. It’s your daughter’s right and its the school’s obligation to use every resource they have to get the best of the best for her.
1st time on this forums
Thank you both so much for your support, Is an educational advocate someone that is with the school board or some one who will help us find out if she gets is enough or should she be recieving more and the school just has too many students and not enough resources. One of my biggest problems at the moment is that she can’t stand her math teacher. My Daughter says she is kept in from recess because she can’t do her X’s facts (15 to a page) in 1 min. I would consider this as an exception (her IEP states not timed tests) but the teacher says no these tests don’t count for an exception. But i keep arguing that if it is being used as part of her grade toward math it sould count.
We had an IEP meeting just before Christmas break and i still don’t have my copies from the school. They keep telling me that i will get them. Am i just not pushing to much? Sometimes i just want to go in there and request all of her records and see if i can make heads or tales out of any of these test scores (Percipical/standard etc.) and go for my self and get copies of what ever i want. But I am just not sure if i can just walk in there and request ALL of her School record and investigate myself…
My husband seems to think she just is not trying hard enough and just goofing off. I keep asking the teachers if they think this is whats going on in class and they say no but some times it can be the case. I know there are time when she just shuts down and gives up. If i see her starting to get frustrated with home work sometimes i just go on to another question or subject or allow her to walk away for a little while. Do you think im doing the right thing or should i just let her sit there and cry, crumple up her papers and not pay any attechin in what i am trying to explain to her. Some times i feel like i am stuck between a rock and a hard place. My husband thinks i should just spank her and make her sit there. But I feel it might make her hate school even more.
Again thank you so much.
1st time on this forums
An Educational Advocate is someone from outside the school system who knows about the educational system and can help you navigate all the laws, as well as helping you figure out what your child needs to be successful. This person can come with you to meetings to help support you, give suggestions and help you document what goes on in the meetings.
For the IEP timed testing issues - there is NO exemption for timed tests. If it says she is not to have timed testing the teacher is required to allow her to not take it as timed.
I would suggest that you make sure to document EVERYTHING! Documentation will help if things should go to Due Process but will also show the school that you are serious about getting the appropriate services for your child. Make sure to make all requests IN WRITING, mailed with a return reciept request or hand delivered. Bring a second copy when hand delivering and request that the secretary time/date stamp and initial both copies.
Read From Emotions To Advocacy by Pete and Pam Wright. It has an excellent section on Tests and Measurements. Also lots of sample letters, documenting info, etc.
1st time on this forums
You wrote:
Read From Emotions To Advocacy by Pete and Pam Wright. It has an excellent section on Tests and Measurements. Also lots of sample letters, documenting info, etc.
I could not find that on our local library website. Where can I find that book?
Re: Re: 1st time on this forums
Hi Jeannie!
Here is a web site for you to read.
And you definitely want to check into an Advocate! I have had a couple of meetings w/o one thinking the school was doing everything they could for my daughter, but always had this nagging feeling something was wrong. Then just recently this month I found an advocate, AND WOW!!! My daughter is getting so much more! I have been asking for all of this since last year and they kept telling me “we can’t” etc etc. But this week, the advocate was there along with the Special Ed Director. She asks “Why is Jess not included w/ her classmates at lunch and can we make this happen?” The teacher tried to say she couldn’t, and the director asked again. Guess what, my daughter gets to join her age group and doesn’t have to sit at the “late table” any more. The sad thing is, she is so use to hanging out w/ the LD kids for lunch, I hope she can develop friendships with her mainstream room and they’re not cruel and calling her names. We’re also slowly mainstreaming her back to gen.ed.
Here is a great book: “The Survival Guide for Kids with LD” By: Gary Fisher, PhD and Rhoda Cummings, Ed.D
I read it to my daughter when she was in 1st grade, and just picked it up again. I’m hoping it will help her with her confidence and how to face those bullies at school. Another one by them is: The School Survival Guide for Kids with LD”
Good luck!
[Modified by: nellbabyuno on March 02, 2007 08:24 PM]
It sounds like you may want to look for an educational advocate to help you with school meetings and understanding the testing scores. There are some advocates you can access for free. http://www.yellowpagesforkids.com/ has listings of resources for each state.
My dd was reading at a 2nd - 3rd grade level until she was in 6th grade, even with 1:1 help. It was because she has Irlen syndrome and couldn’t focus on the words properly, even with glasses. What really helped her get past it was Text-to-Speech programs. There are a number of low cost programs and lots of free books. The program helped her with tracking and putting sounds to words. (This might even be helpful for you.)
For math you might want to try http://www.touchmath.com It would allow her to count on the paper, without using her fingers, and may increase her speed and accuracy.
If her IEP requires that she be exempt from timed tests, that means all timed tests and the teacher is violating her IEP.