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So confused! Just feel like crying!!!

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hello all!! I really need help!

I know it is a BIG message, but would be great some imputs!!!


I am a 27yo woman from Brazil. First let me say I am a smart person. I learned English by myself, in 2 years, without ever going to an English school. Once I decided to go college in here, I was admitted direct to the educational program and not to ESL.

So WHY DO I FEEL SOOOO DUMB? I feel like crying.

This is what happens. I need to take the board exams. And I can’t study!!!!

Every time I sit to study I feel either ELECTRIC (as if there was extra energy in my body and I wanted to yell, and I cant sit still so much energy I feel), or I feel like I am sooo tired that I could sleep (even if I just woke up and if I was to lay down in bed I wouldn’t feel sleepy and I would actually feel awake).

In School I could never sit still for too much time. I would get that electric feeling. up to right school, I would just draw or make lists, write things I planned on doing to pass the time and calm down… In college, I would live class and go for walks… or drawn and write too. Than, I would copy my friends notes and wake up the day before the test at 3am and study like a crazy. Not sure if it is because at that time I feel so in peace with myself or if is because I know I cant procrastinate anymore, but I will concentrate 100%, and will usually have an A in the test. (I memorize sooo easy when I do it).

This is how I managed to ended up college with a great GPA.

Problem is, now I need to study to my boards and I cant sit still for long enough to learn something. Or I feel frustrated and want to give up. I need help!!!

Are there thecniques I can use? Why can’t I sit still and learn? AM I lazy? There will be times when I will sit down and study for 2 hours in a roll and it is awesome and I feel so good. But I have sooo much to study. I can’t afford to study only 2 hours on a day and even in my best days, it is the most I can do.

Do you think I have a learning disability? What should I do?

In between: I don’t have insurance or money for evaluation (in the college close to my home they charge 2000 in testings).

I could use some tips though…

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 11:36 AM


Hello Sandy:
it very much sounds like you have a condition called “Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder”. You can see a doctor and they can help give medication for this disorder. Here is a book you should try to read:
A Day in the Life of an Adult with ADHD (Perfect Paperback)
by Vera Joffe; Ph.D.; and Monica Iachan; B.A.
James Nuttall — Michigan

Submitted by Sandy on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 2:34 PM


If it was the case, where should I go to evaluation? regular physician? psychiatric? Does insurance covers these kind of evaluation???

Can I find more affective study techniques for me to use while studying in the between (I wont have insurance until August 1st)

Submitted by jnuttallphd on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 12:04 PM


If you are referred to physician for a developmental neuropsychologist evaluation your insurance should pay for it.

The only suggestion I can make about studying is set yourself on a schedule with your watch. I used to do this when I was in school. I would study for 30 minutes and take a 10 minute break. Then I would study for another 30 minutes and take a 10 minute break. On and on.

James Nuttall — Michigan

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