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Share your worst tantrum,

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

One of my worst tantrums,only a few years ago,before i was diagnosed with A.D.H.D.Feeling that I was being cheated on due to low self esteem,yet I’m not an undesirable woman.,my partner keeps telling me,the same one I threw a brick through his glass door.Shocking when I see myself there.We dont open that subject,never.My shame was evident and lasted a thousand years to now.’Writing’this down now actually gets rid of it.

Submitted by BJthebest on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 4:32 AM


many times. I can’t really remember why, but I
got very pissed off before when people say ”well
everybody knows that”. ”you must not be an american”
(refernce to my poor grammar and spelling).

Submitted by judy on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 10:44 AM


I am married to a person who has LD. Low esteem is his biggest problem. He always ends a conversation bragging about his accomplishments (sometimes to people that have accomplished a lot more) No matter how many times the family tells him that he has done well, he always seems to need reassurance even at the age of 50. I am interested to know from other people with LD how I can help. (I work a full time job and have 3 young children; he is like the fourth child).

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