Has anyone used the Quarter Mile Math program? If so what did you think?
I have a classroom of 8-12 yr olds with LD’s and am looking for software to supplement math.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Re: Quarter Mile Math and other software
Thanks again Jenn. I’m glad you mentioned the sound. We do have several kids with hypersensitive hearing so its good to know that it can be adjusted.
Re: Quarter Mile Math and other software
Do you perhaps know the cost of the K-8 program and where it can be found? I have an SDC-ED class for grades 1-5. I have been looking for reliable software that I can use with one group while I am instructing another.
Re: Quarter Mile Math and other software
Do a search under “Quarter Mile Math” and you will find the web site; that is how I found it. I also found it on e-Bay; Amazon may have it; I haven’t checked.
I have Quarter Mile Math, and really enjoy it. I ordered it myself from EBay after reading about the success many parents had with it. It serves as good review for concepts you have covered already, and my guys were able to do it independently once I showed them how to get there (6th graders). There are a lot of menu options, so you would want to play with it yourself first. One of my students got frustrated with one of the games; it took he and I a few minutes to figure that out. I liked having math facts arranged discreetly (x2, x3, x4, x5, etc.) as well as in combinations. There’s a level you can buy that essentially covers grades K-8; that’s what I would recommend. If you have kids who are sensitive to loud noises be sure to turn the volume down as the sounds can get loud. You will need headphones for the kids using it so they don’t disturb everyone else.