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reading program for resource room

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Any suggestions for a replacement/instructional reading program for students who receive resource room services? We are looking for a program that can address the needs of struggling readers in grades 3-5.

Submitted by anla on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 6:32 PM


Read what I am doing with reading decoding.

If blogspot is blocked, you can find the book at

I think most students can learn to read well, if they are taught with a method that honors their learning process.
In the past few days, I have witnessed several very smart hs students who had never had reading success in the past years, now choosing to read aloud to the class (intermediate reading level). A few of them will now read whenever no one else is willing.
Email me if you need more info.

Anita learntoreadnow

Submitted by Janis on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 6:40 PM


First of all, let me tell you that I am a resource teacher and private reading tutor. I don’t sell any products!

In my search for the best reading program several years ago, I also came here for advice. At that time, I decided to be trained in all the Lindamood-Bell (LMB) programs as well as Phono-Graphix (PG). I believed that those approaches were sound and effective. Over time, I also had the opportunity to be trained in SRA Corrective Reading and LANGUAGE!

At some point, I had the opportunity to take a training from someone who had been director a reading clinic in Delaware who was trained in LMB and PG. Over time, he saw the strong points and deficits of those programs, and he eventually developed his own program which provided wonderful sequential lessons in an easier-to-use format.

Once I began using this decoding program, I have never changed! I use them at school and for private tutoring. It covers phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency, and you use various supplemental readers to go along with it.

The name of the program is called the [b]ABeCeDarian Reading Program[/b]:


There is a placement test on the website. I mostly use Level A Short Version, B1 and B2 for my students. But if you have a child who is a good sight word reader (3rd gr. reading level or above), B Short version teaches them the vowel patterns, etc.

Best of luck to you!


Submitted by Ken C on Tue, 10/23/2007 - 3:19 AM


Depends on the level of need, the budget and training you are alloted - oh, and I have created a reading remediation program, but I don’t try to sell it on this line.

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