Hi. This is Shawn again. Can anybody tell me how to go
about getting an adovacate? My husband and I have so
many questions about what is legal and what is not,
however we can not afford an attorney, I wish we could
I know we would not be in the position that we are now
with school and how they are treating our daughter.
There are so many things to know and we just want to
at least understand and know what we are talking about
when we have our up coming meeting with school.
Thanks to all who took the time to read and respond.
I see that we aren’t alone in this, that all over the world sounds like alot of problems are the same, it
should not be this hard to get help, the proper help
for your child. Thanks Again,
http://www.thearcpa.org/default.aspx The ARC of PA
There are a bunch of CHADD chapters. Call one of them and they may be able to give you further resources.
http://www.yellowpagesforkids.com/help/pa.htm Listings of resources in the PA area.
http://www.ldapa.org/ Learning Disabilities Association of PA
http://pealcenter.org/ Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership Center (This should be where you can find a free advocate.)
http://www.parentednet.org/ Parent Education Network for PA
Hope those help.