Is it possible to get a one-on-one aide for after school activities? My child has no friends and I’ve tried getting him involved in activities. I think he sits there anonymously and makes no effort to socialize. He really needs someone to push him.
Re: Aide for after school?
Are you serious??? I requested a one on one para for my six year old during school hours and was told his disability was not severe enough. Please know that my son has had 13 in-school-suspensions and 5 out-of-school suspensions. He’s also missed recess and not permitted to use the restroom out side of the classroom for 2 1/2 months.
Re: Aide for after school?
What does your son like? It would really be helpful if he could find a common interest with a few other kids in the after school program. The aid would be beneficial in working with the small group. An after school aid can be helpful when instructing social skills, but you really need to monitor the interactions. Sometimes, kids can get too dependent on their aid, which can be more harmful than helpful.
No one answered my post. I had my son’s IEP meeting and I got the aide for extra-curricular activities to coach with social skills.