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ADHD/Dysgraphic/ Executive Function Issues??

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My 10yr old son has all the above diagnosis along with anxiety, and he’s in the gifted program. We need to change the 504 or get an IEP. I can find accomodations online for any of the above conditions but I’m hoping someone else has a child with those top three and can share some suggestions on what worked for them. It’s a unique combo and I don’t know where one condition ends and another begins.
[Modified by: GJPA1996 on April 17, 2010 01:19 AM]

Submitted by Dr. LD on Fri, 08/06/2010 - 3:33 PM


Nearly all students with ADHD also struggle with dysgraphia and executive functioning issues. The first step is to treat the ADHD then address the related executive functioning and writing difficulties. Check out for more direction.

Submitted by JacksMom on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 10:41 PM


My 12 year old son has these same issues..along with anxiety. We’ve got the anxiety under control after seeing a child psychiatrist who prescribed Zoloft. I’m amazed at how well my son responded to the medication. I feel like I have my fun-loving kid back.

We’ve moved to a new school district and are just beginning the communication with the counselor, etc. I already feel like they don’t want to give my son the IEP that he needs. We had a full battery neuropsych eval done last spring and he scored ‘Very Superior’ in some things, but ‘Borderline’ in written expression. That gap clearly defines a learning disability, yet the new school is talking about doing their own eval. Ugh.

Submitted by SamHoath on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 3:01 AM


You can find free bi-laterality, left-right coordination activities at [url][/url] They also provide online remedial programs to help improve these areas.

All the best.

Submitted by geodob2 on Sat, 04/17/2010 - 7:33 AM


The Dysgraphia and ADHD are quite likely a result of the Executive Function issues.
Undeveloped bi-lateral coordination is often a major factor in Dysgraphia. Where communication between the left and right brain hasn’t been fully developed, which creates fine and gross motor skill confusion.
While schools can provide accomodations, such as a scribe, a laptop and speech to text software.
At 10 years of age, it would be better to try and identify and possibly resolve the underlying issue.

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