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Shrinks Stink

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I want to the a pain clinic to get spinal injections because I am in pain. They want me to see the shrink there to talk about my pain. I do not want to talk about pain. I want my pain gone. They want to nickel and dime the insurance company.

I have half a mind to tear the shrink a new one. I can read their books and I am much smarter than most of them. I want to ask her to stuff that will blow her mind and pretend like I a really interested is her BS.

I will start with, “Do you beleive in God” Or I will ask her to define the mind. The I will ask her some questions about neurology that she can’t answer.

The pain doctor informed me that I would be drug tested and if there are no medications in my blood the will assume I am selling them inspite of the fact that the other doctor who gave them to me gave them on a take as needed basis. I asked someone about this BS and I was told that there are a lot od drug seekers where I live. I figure it is not the job of a doctor to play cop.

How does all this relate to LD. It doesn’t but it shows how F’d up our healthcare system is and why we do not get the help we need. We read here about the crap parents go through trying to get IEPs for their kids. We read about how schools allow ADHD kid to get picked on.

What has happened to common sense?

We live in a country where every little malady has a lable and a drug for it and more often than not the lable is wrong and the drug is dangerous. I have not seen the movie Sicko but I know enough about it to know things are really messed up.

If common sense were applied from the get go people with LD would be gainfullu employed and properly accomodated.

The shrinks, and the educators can all go pound salt. We need to tell them how it is!

Submitted by Rosco P. Coltrane on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 3:31 PM


Yeah, the therapist might not be able to quickly remove your back pain but maybe that person can help you get that chip off of your shoulder. It’s unfortunate that you have to go through life being so angry…what a waste. I wonder why you were referred to a therapist? (sarcasm)

Submitted by Mandi on Thu, 05/22/2008 - 8:19 AM


Then lets tell them! We just need to find a format to do it in. I am really very serious about this i was used as a human guinea pig. I have read the articles by the experts who compare my intelligence to that of a cocker spaniel. Ofcourse something that you study from the perspective they study us from, becomes less than human to them. Which is why, what is happening and all this labeling and medicating as you say so frequently with the wrong medicine is so very dangerous along with the hassle of getting IEPs. If we were people instead of labels to society at large and to the politicians etc, things would be alot different. So the question becomes, How do we make our perspective and our problems relevant? What can we do to make a difference if not for ourselves, then for the next child born that will go through all this stupidity like we have. Don’t we owe those children better? We can’t change the IEP difficulty for the current parents struggling now. But what we do now, *can* create a different future, one which is much more to our liking. So How do we do it?

Submitted by mikethedj on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 7:04 PM


I wish I could get paid good money to sit and listen to people talk about their problems. “Uh huh, yeah. I see.” Hmmm

Been there done that and didn’t get the lousy t-shirt. I’m not paying no $150 an hour for no stinking t-shirt. After having been burned by them early on in my life, I too have very little confidence.

Submitted by Mandi on Fri, 06/20/2008 - 4:31 AM


Not all of them are evil pieces of crap though. Yes, far too many of them definately are. But, doesn’t it suck when someone judges you based on your LD rather than your identity as a human being? Well, to do it to a shrinki because you once met some that were vile, is just as bad. I once got mugged. The guy responsible happened to be african american. Should i hate every single african american now? Well ummm i refuse to do any such thing.

I have dealt with my share of quacks and their quackery. Some of it has messed up my body my mind and my life in ways…. I won’t even talk about because it is too painful. I have been used and abused. Physically beaten and force fed pills that i did not wish to take, pills that were not helping me. Everything you can imagine. When i was a teenager.

I was never out of control. I was polite always just about in class i worked part time maintained a C average, my kid sister calls me mom cuz i raised her and i took 4 music classes a week. I was put repeatedly on and off various drugs even though the original doctor said i should NOT ever be medicated especially not with certain drugs. Well one shrink liked his kick back checks so much he would medicate the crap out of me on just those drugs right after reading that report with it still in his hand. May he eternally rot somewhere really realy nasty. Again, most of it all is too painful to this day to talk about.

Recently, i got lucky. I got soooo depressed and after years of seeing one alleged best of boston harvard phd after another, i just randomly called someone down the street from me. He specializes in complicated not LD not any specific anything exactly, but rather in those with multiple crap going on etc…. I was terrified like you can’t imagine. But i went to see it. In 60 minutes he knew what was allegedly wrong with me. He knew somethings no one else had gotten. He understood it all and he could treat me. He said he would get up and call what the others had tried medicating me with and for malpractice as i was a very clear cut case. He told me in 1 hour he could change my life. I laughed myself half to death and told him to take a number…. But he said seriously, he could change my life in 1 hour with 1 pill and that it would only last for a few hours. So i agreed to try it. I was sooooo depressed being whacked out on drugs was preferable to the depression. I took the pill and guess what??? He knew what he was doing. He changed my entire life. He gave me all that i have ever dreamed of. Turns out he himself has some sort of whatcha call it…. some form of disability himself. Not all these creeps are creeps. Though i will agree too many are. But, to not keep looking for a good one is shooting yourself in the foot to spite your face. I know because for 10 years i ran like the road runner only faster from shrinks. I ran for good reason. I lost my entire adult life to date just running…. Don’t be a fool like me. And don’t be too trusting either. Don’t take anything from anyone you don’t trust but look for someone that seems sincere then go see them some first…. etc…. hearing suggestions won’t kill you. As an adult, your LD, is no longer under the control of those older than you (most likely if you are at all functioning.) It is under your control. You have the final word over everything.

Submitted by mikethedj on Sat, 06/21/2008 - 4:35 AM


Too many people think medicine is the answer and it’s not. My grand-father was my best advocate when the doctors were all saying to put me on Ritalin. My grandfather fought tooth and nail to keep me off that stuff and I never went on it. Not being on it was against the grain of what everybody was doing for their kids that they could not control.
My grandfather is long gone now, and I find myself eternally grateful to him for standing by me.
I still run at warp speed from any shrink or LCSW. I have been unable to put the trauma down from 20 years ago. What I really needed 20 years ago was a friend, instead I got thrown to sharks. This mess all started in 1976 for me and still haunts me. I can’t outrun it. I want to though.

Submitted by Mandi on Sun, 06/22/2008 - 4:41 AM


Oh, i actively agree on medicine. I am very picky about it and what i put in my body and brain. I think there are many alternative treatments that in the *vast majority* of cases though not every case are much better.

We all need a friend when we go through this. We all needed a support system. Some of us had it, some didn’t. My folks fought on the ritalin issue as long as they humanly could. Then they gave it a shot… Anyway that is a long auful story in itself i don’t want to tell it now… But again, we are all fragile as all humans are. I think these experts forget that far too often. Some are good most blow. I think, there can be helpful ones on occasion and more often just another certified moron being moronic.

Please understand, that what we feel and what we do with our experiences in life are our own choice. In that, horrible things happen, how we handle them is what truly dictates who and what we are as people. These things happened 20 years ago. You can’t change the past. Goddess, knows i would sell my soul to change mine. But all i can do, is what i can here and now in the present to have the life i want to have, and to ensure no other child goes through what i have been through. It is this single thing that makes me certain i am a survivor. Whatever else they want to call me is their mistake. They will be held accountable for it one day and that is in the hands of something greater than myself by whatever name you choose to call it. I am not trying to trivialize your experience…. Not by a long shot. I know…. Believe me i know… I suffer too… Every day…. This is why i am so damn determined to create some semi politicalgroup of some kind to protect people like us from this nonsense. To give parents who lack money the ability to get swecond opinions ont heir child’s LD etc so that no child goes through the kind of torture we have been through. I want to change this system. Whatever comes from my efforts, i am so sorry i will be too late for you, but imagine…. Such a thing as what i propose…. It could save so many who could end up damaged like us. Wouldn’t that be worth doing? Maybe a new focus such as that can help you somehow… Maybe not… Upto you.

As for your grandfather, je jung bosal. My granny died recently actually. Awesome lady…and on a more personal level the biggest B**ch that ever lived…. She had great politics did sooooo much for the greater good and for humanity she was a truly *good* person…. It’s too bad nice is different than good cuz she was as nasty as they come. Glad to hear you had an allie in your effort to keep that ritalin junk out of your system. I wish more kids did. For me that stuff was actually physically forced or forced through extortion methods down my throat every day for almost 3 months. I will never get over it. However, it’s not about me anymore. It’s about, what can i do to ensure this never happens to another child??? Wouldn’t it rock if there were an organization that did for children what your grandfather did for you?

Submitted by mikethedj on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 8:36 PM


Absolutely! Not every kid needs that stuff.
Doctors pass the stuff out like candy. Some even tell them it is candy so they will take it and not argue. Education with that is what it is all about. The myths needs to get cleared up and the facts have to come out. Doctor’s tend to not want to do this because it’s lucrative and they don’t want to loose their cash cow.

Submitted by Mandi on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 2:37 PM


Bingo! My dream is to start an LD union, a political movement that exists to both help support those of us who are jobless when we are jobless, and to get us better pay from these dumb research studies. It seems sooooo wrong to me we are a specialty work force. Making less than 10 dollars an hour when the experts then turn around and give talks about their research (us) and charge in many cases over 100 dollars an hour per seat!!! An organization, that will go to the mat to fund real unbiased research and will publish truth not fiction. That will provide information and support for families, will make us a minority group at the poles. Within the next 10 years 20 percent of voters atleast will have ADHD alone. That is a massive minority…. Think of what we could do to change the world to make the playing field more level…. I want to be sure that single mothers with low income can fight for their labled child’s education with their own experts in cases where schools are getting too uppity. And i want to make sure we are treated fairly and decently. I want to publish a list of bad shrinks based on horror stories and legally obtained info on how much they make each year from the drug companies. I want families to have a more laid back calming support system rather than all the hype and terrorizing that goes on. This is one of my new goals besides my tv show The Dyslexic Epigrapher. I want to fight this nonsense! I want everyone with LD to know they are part of something bigger and that if we and our friends and families stand together we can move the world. So those are my goals…. I also want to see some of these shrinks sued personally. The bad ones. I find they toss around certain lables too easily. Its not a game of pin the tail on the donkey. They are wrecking lives in many cases though each case is different. I was thinking this union could sue in some cases as test cases certain shrinks for slander…. And stuff like that…. Maybe if they know they can get sued they will use a bit more care??? We will work to take the cap off what the drug companies can be required to pay out in cases of ritalin death etc…. What do you all think? Since it is for you, am i on to something? Or am i the only one interested? I am not about a redical group. I am about getting ppl the help they need. It is not a group based on denial nor is it based on acceptance it is based on, ‘lets see what honest research shows.’Nothing more. Geared towards helping us and leveling the playing field. It won’t take money from any drug companies. (Unlike CHADD apparently) It will maximize info on other treatments but not denounce in some cases medication should it actually be necesary. It will just try other things first. If nothing else works then reach for the pill bottles… It will try to help low income families send their labled kids to university and assist them in getting their kids in programs that will in some cases help them more than a main stream classroom can. Hell, it will help all parents with these things. But i would love to know all your thooughts on this idea… I am a trust fund baby. Small silver spoon in my mouth when i was born. I can make this happen if there is interest in the idea, or atleast get the ball rolling. What good is a silver spoon if you can’t feed others with it as well as yourself?

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