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Advice for a brain based reading program

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I need some advice everybody. My brother (currently age 31) wasn’t reading at the end of 2nd grade and my Mom wanted to figure out why and how she could help him. My Mom decided to do as much research about how the brain learns how to read. From the time my brother was 8 (1986) until he was 17 my Mom did the research she needed and developed a reading program from that research. In 1996 opened the doors of her brain based reading business. The non-profit program is still open today and has worked with over 4000 people in helping them either learn to read or improve their reading, spelling, and comprehension. The program also received 50,000 dollar grants 3 years in a row from the state it is in to work with the kids in the Juvenile Detention Center. My Mom volunteered to help the kids in there initially and because of the results from her program the state gave her the grants. Unfortunately due to a change in government and a lack of funds the program at the Detention center my Mom had to stop working with the kids there. Now, the advice that I need from you is this. My Mom’s program is in major jeopardy of going under due to a lack of funding. I’m not asking for money, just ideas of how to help kids and adults use this non-profit brain based program. My Mom does not care about becoming rich, all she truly wants to do is help society which is why her business is non-profit. We would truly appreciate any and all suggestions you can give us to keep this program going. Thank you very much!!

Submitted by tchomemom on Sat, 05/22/2010 - 1:05 PM


If someone could help her develop a website, and/or a “marketing plan”….there are many of these types of programs springing up. I am in the process of looking for a similar type program for my children, but we need not just reading, but a whole scope of cognitive skills development. The “big corporate Franchise” that creates a whole division of classes by excluding families that don’t have $$$$$$$$$$ to spend is not the way we want to go. Who says you should charge $80 or more an hour….if you can help someone for $20/hour, or occasionally for free….God is going to bless you more. I will be praying for your mom.

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