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2 Year old still wallking on tip toes and unstable walker

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My 2 year old still likes to tip toe as she walks about 40% of the time. Sometimes with her toes curled in. Ouch! That would be hard for an acrobat to do. She also seems off balanced a bit. She seems to walk with no sense of stability. She puts her feet between the rungs of a latter in the gym instead of the actual rung. She won’t try anything I want her to try for agility or coordination. She can not walk up steps without thinking she is being magically protected from falling. Going up or down steps I hold her hand and all of her weight as she liens forward and almost horizontal. She just can’t be trusted walking on her own. Sometimes she will just trip and fall for no reason. We have padded everything imaginable but still are wondering if she is delayed, clumsy or something else. Any feedback would be great.
[Modified by: Angela on October 06, 2010 05:04 PM]

Submitted by Angela on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 5:01 PM


Angela used to curl her toes when slipping on her shoes but has stopped doing that around her 19th month. However she is still walking on her balls of her feet part time. Lately she doesn’t even like to wear shoes at all I have noticed as opposed to before when she loved putting them on. She has been removing them frequentely. Well thanks for this valuable information and I look forward in reporting back any findings. She is such an Angel and I will anything needed to fix this. I have a Site just for her already to use when she is older. It is [quote=geodob2]Angela, she could have what’s called a ‘Retained Plantar Reflex’, which is one of the Neo-natal Reflexes.
With the Plantar Reflex, touching the ball of the foot, will cause the toes to curl under, as a reflex action. Typically the ability to inhibit this Reflex, occurs during the first 6 months.
But when retained, pressure on the ball of the foot, as when walking, will cause the toes to curl under.
So walking on tip toes, is a way to try and avoid putting pressure on the balls of the feet.
Another indication of this, is that when you try to put her shoes on, her toes will curl under, making it difficult to put them on.
Though this is also associated with speech difficulties as well.
Here’s a link to an article on retained reflexes:
[Modified by: Angela on October 07, 2010 01:02 PM]

Submitted by Angela on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 4:38 PM


I have mentioned it however the Doctor brushed it off and said her gape is normal. He doesn’t get it.
Thanks for the link to the very detailed article. It seems she has some symptons and not others. She does look straight up and gets dizzy from doing it at times. Once she fell backwards from it. She also has a terrible fit when she has to get a bath and will scream & cry the entire time. She can do puzzles okay and play normally but also uses toys in ways other than their intended use. She will want to carry her plastic shopping cart with her toys instead of pushing it. She wants to know how things operate and whats under them instead of enjoy their function. She refuses to get in the car seat and can manipulate any body part needed to make it impossible for us to get her in. I know when I walk into a huge grocery store that is bright I sometimes feel dizzy myself. The off balance part of it concerns me mostly. Maybe she has something from me?
Obviously it is time to find an expert and get some answers. I do appreciate any further opinions or ideas. Here is her channel of videos, some videos capture what I have described.
[Modified by: Angela on October 07, 2010 12:46 PM]

[Modified by: Angela on October 07, 2010 12:51 PM]

Submitted by geodob2 on Thu, 10/07/2010 - 7:15 AM


Angela, she could have what’s called a ‘Retained Plantar Reflex’, which is one of the Neo-natal Reflexes.
With the Plantar Reflex, touching the ball of the foot, will cause the toes to curl under, as a reflex action. Typically the ability to inhibit this Reflex, occurs during the first 6 months.
But when retained, pressure on the ball of the foot, as when walking, will cause the toes to curl under.
So walking on tip toes, is a way to try and avoid putting pressure on the balls of the feet.
Another indication of this, is that when you try to put her shoes on, her toes will curl under, making it difficult to put them on.
Though this is also associated with speech difficulties as well.
Here’s a link to an article on retained reflexes:

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