I’m a first year teacher and I suffer from social anxiety. Therefore, IEP’s are a nightmare for me. During an IEP, my heart races, my mouth gets dry, I feel like I’m shaking inside etc. In addition, I don’t really know what I’m expected to say during an IEP. I never sat in on one during my student teaching. What do you do during an IEP? Do you just read your goals? Do you talk about how you do phonemic awareness activities etc.? I’m too embarassed to ask another teacher this question in person. Please help.
Thank you,
First, take a deep breath and relax before you go in. You have reasons for the goals you have written for your students based on what you see daily. Make sure you can support your reasoning for the goals. Most importantly before leaving the meeting, make sure you are comfortable with the students placement. You know them best in an academic setting, thus you know where they will be most successful.