I adopted my daughter (and her younger sister) from Russia when she was almost 8. She had no english and basically no education. She just finished her sophomore year of HS and is 17. She has progressed but has never “caught up” like her sister although she has passed all her classes with a lot of work. After 9 yrs she still has not reached level 5 english proficiency on the LAS Links test. I met with the school and detailed my concerns including the fact that after 9 yrs she probably couldn’t pass the test because of non ESL issues and was told that she was ineligible for testing since she wasn’t 2 yrs or more behind. It was implied that because I have worked so hard to help her not fail she doesn’t even qualify to be tested (she does get a few accomodations because of her supposed lack of english proficiency). I finally had an IEE done. They used the OWLS test. Her listening comprehension was 68 (2nd perc), oral expressive skills 71 (6th perc), combined 71 (3rd percentile). I am frustrated and sad. I feel I have failed her by believing everything the school told me. Will the school honor this independent testing? She is working with a therapist over the summer and she is willing to help craft a list of accomodations for her once she gets a better idea of her exact needs. Any advice on how to proceed with the school would be appreciated.
Welcome to LDOnline. You haven’t failed her. You have done the best you could will the knowledge and resources available to you. You have an IEE and she is working with a therapist over the summer.
Look up information on “Child Find” and the school responsibility to identify students with disabilities. Rather then spending resources to fight the school system, I would rather put whatever resources that you have to getting her the help she needs. I am speaking from experience. — as I have walked in similar shoes.
There is a good article that helped me. See if it helps you: http://www.harborhouselaw.com/articles/hearts.bollero.htm
Best wishes.