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Adult with NLD- please read

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am a 29yo who stumbled upon this impressive forum tonight. I am in need of some help regarding NLD and this looks like a good place for it, rather than purusing the internet’s vast body of often dubious information.

I was diagnosed with NLD in my teens after taking some battery of tests I can’t even recall. Sadly, I don’t have access to the findings (severity, problem areas, eg) +10 years later. I thought it was a crock for the longest time, as there didn’t seem to be a lot of coherent data about NLD. However, I am now appreciating that NLD looks different for each person who has these kinds of deficits. I am now inclined to believe a lot of the troubles I’m having in life may stem from NLD.

In large part, visual-spatial stuff is problematic. I have a terrible time trying to use eye contact successfully in conversation. I think I tend to hold my gaze too much, and that I’m not really utilizing incoming visual info well. I think i end up making people uncomfortable with this and it produces a lot of anxiety for me, to the point that I don’t even want to make eye contact. Fine and gross motor skills are pretty sketchy, and my sense of my body (proprioception) in relation to surroundings can be a problem. Sadly, small group conversations can seem daunting because of body language and eye contact, and large group environments can be overstimulating, as I don’t think I know what info to attend to.

Alas, I’m not asking for clinical recommendations, per se. However, I’m sure some people on this board may have some helpful infomation regarding NLD treatments or strategies for living with it. In particular, I am wondering which are reportedly the most reputable, proven effective treatments for some of the visuospatial/processing problems associated with NLD? Perhaps folks may have had similar problems and have improved in some way? Also, are stimulant medications known to be effective? I am quite discouraged at this time, and any information or insight would be hugely appreciated. Many thanks, Adam

Submitted by DragonDreams on Mon, 01/31/2011 - 12:55 AM


When going into a situation involving social groups (large or small) bring someone with you who can cue you in to important stuff. This person should know your disability and have a prearranged signal(s) they can use to let you know what behavior is expected. Basically, if you can find one, a non-verbal interpreter for yourself.

Submitted by jenny on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 9:01 PM


I am also an adult who has been diagnosed with NLD. I was diagnosed about 3 days ago so any information about how to deal with this condition would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted by eoffg on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 9:55 AM


Hi Jenny and welcome here,
The N in NLD is Non-Verbal.
Where we have Verbal and Non-Verbal.
We have 3 types of thinking, auditory, visual and spatial.
So that Verbal uses auditory thinking.
Then Non-Verbal uses a combination of visual and spatial thinking.
Where people with a Non-Verbal LD, most often have exception Verbal thinking abilities.
So that as you learn more about Non-Verbal difficulties. It is also important to learn more about Verbal thinking, which is probably your strength.

Though Non-Verbal as a combination of Visual and Spatial thinking, needs to be looked at a bit deeper? As most often people with NLD, have a difficulty with their Spatial thinking. Which limits what they can do with their Visual thinking.
But their is one confusion with NLD, where some people have Social Skills difficulties, but others don’t.
Which you may or may not have a difficulty with?
Here’s a link to a NLD website:

Submitted by Michael Hart, Ph.D. on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 8:07 PM


Forgive me if you’ve already found this resource. I think you’ll find it useful if you haven’t.

Most importantly, I would urge you to carefully seek out a support group near you…If you can, make sure that the leader is a positive, caring individual…I know that sounds obvious but a big part of the problem is that many times the leader is not skilled enough to support your healing.

Secondly, educate yourself and look for success stories of those with NLD…I think most importantly that you learn to describe how your brain is wired as opposed to just a diagnostic code…You are a person…A human being…You may have some difficult chemicals in your brain but oftentimes you will find strengths that you never knew you had because of too much focus on your negatives by others.

If you have any questions, you can write me at [email protected] and see my blog at . Good luck.

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