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Re-evaluation Results

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My daughter was re-evaluated last year. She is now currently in third grade. The school is classifying her as a slow learner. I would agree but that is not the only problem. I believe she has memory and processing problems and I am not entirely sure that she received all of the testing necessary to identify her as having a learning disability. Perhaps someone can help me understand her scores. She is unable to do more than one task at a time. She has a lot of difficulty with spelling and I believe her written expression will suffer. She works extremely hard and despite her hard work seems to just do okay. She needs a lot of repetition. She repeats words when reading and often can’t recall a new word despite having just read it. Her WISC-IV scores are as follows: VCI 102, PRI 108, WMI 104, PSI 85, and FSIQ 102. Verbal Comprehension Subtest (scaled score) Similarities 9, Vocabulary 11, Comprehension 12; Perceptual Reasonsing: Block design 7, Picture Concepts 15* (No ceiling point reached), and Matrix Reasoning 12; Working Memory: Digit Span 11 and Letter Number Sequencing 11; Processing Speed: Coding 6, Symbol Search 9. Woodcok Johnson II Test of Cognitive Abilities: The school only tested phonemic awareness and my daughter ranked 116-128. I have no idea why they didn’t just do the entire test of cognitive abilities. Perhaps they were trying to be cute!! WIAT-II - Reading Comprehension was 92. Woodcok Johnson Test of Achievement: Letter-word identification 101, Reading Fluency 102, Passage Comprehsnion 98; Broad Math: Calculations 102, Applied Problems 94, and Math Fluency 92; Broad Written Language: Spelling 84, Writing Fluency 92, and Writing Samples 114.

Submitted by dhfl143 on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 12:36 AM


Please see the following thread:

I recommend that you ask for and independent educatioanl evaluation in writing.
[Modified by: dhfl143 on February 22, 2010 11:51 AM]

Submitted by nancy on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 3:15 AM


I am looking over her scores and wonder if she has some visual discrimination difficulties (possibly visual dyslexia). Her phonemic awareness may indicate that she has those auditory strengths, but her spelling, writing, and reading comprehension, as well as her score on block design are really common with some of my students with a visual dyslexia. Try asking about the Jordan Test of Dyslexia or some type of assessment specifically for this. Many of my students with dyslexia will write capital Bs instead of lower case because they don’t confuse that capital letter with the capital D. Even the formation of letters from the bottom up instead of the top down is often noticed.[/i]

Submitted by dhfl143 on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 5:26 AM


Nancy —welcome to LD Online forum and thank you for your contributions.

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