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Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

During parent teacher conferences, a teacher whom I highly respect- shared that he had noticed a considerable downturn in my LD son’s disposition. There are 2 subjects which he finds particularly challenging: physics and math. He is a junior in high school and despite accomodations, is failing these two courses. This particular teacher told me to investigate having my son switched to a “PASS/FAIL” grading system with these two classes- so that it would not impact his GPA. I asked why I had never been informed of this option in the past and he replied “we just learned about it”. Has anyone had experience with this system of “pass/fail” instead of traditional grading system? Thank You!

Submitted by eoffg on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 9:42 AM


Hi Sara545,

That would be very helpful, not impacting his GPA.
Though it would be worth checking your state and district graduation requirements, where they will accept a pass/fail for some subjects but not others?
For example, you might find that it is okay for physics, but for math?
But whatever the situation, it would be best to confirm that it wont be a problem with graduation?

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