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A proposal:

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

This site needs a posted FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)!

Many moons ago when there was still a lot of good stuff on Usenet, some responsible person would re-post the FAQ right on the board at reasonable intervals, so a new person could always get the up-to-date answers to common new-member type questions before posting the same question that a hundred other people had started with. This is different from referring someone to LD In Depth, which is very good but a little too much to handle for the new person who doesn’t know where to start.

We could get experienced teachers and tutors and parents out there to talk about the various programs that keep; coming up, Wilson and RR and PG and PACE and Lindamood and so on; we could make a list of useful sites to refer people to for materials, VT, CAPD; we could even have a quick outline of phonics issues and terminology.

Then, when someone comes on and says “What’s Wilson and is it suitable for my child?”, instead of rewriting the same answer all over again, we could point the person to a nicely written page from the FAQ with a few notes.

I’m good at organization, collecting data, and writing. Anybody else out there good at schedules and a regular poster? Volunteers, comments, and so on?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/21/2001 - 5:45 PM


Sounds good to me…somedays I think I sound like a broken record…been doing this for over 3 years..definitely time for an organized change of pace..

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 11/21/2001 - 7:18 PM


Victoria, Robin & Pattim,

I am a newbie and sure would like something like that. You are all so dear and patient when repeatedly answering the same questions for the umpty umpth time.

Thank you for being so sweet and helpful. You have helped me alot and given me stength.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/25/2001 - 7:33 PM


Super idea…I would certainly be happy to contribute what I have some expertise in…I have (somewhere) saved some of my long answers to questions about PACE and Speeded Naming/Word Retrieval Dyslexia and some CAPD. Let me know if I can help.

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 11/25/2001 - 8:40 PM


I can offer the web space. I did post a bunch of info about vision therapy on it for just that reason — now I can just link to it instead of saying “I remember somebody answering that question…”

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 11/26/2001 - 8:08 AM


OK, great!! We have someone who can do the web stuff.

I can do the organizing stuff and type some general info.

(Except aol is timing me out and losing all my typing whenever I do more than one paragraph any more; folks, aol does not want anyone literate, so avoid them)

It would be valuable to get knowledgeable regular posters to send in a short (say, in the area of one page printed) explanation of their area of expertise.
For example, Shay and Anitya could could write about their systems for operating a special ed classroom, Mary MN (I think) provided PACE and could explain what it is and how it works and where to get info, Rod has posted really good stufff about vision and VT and could explain it, and so on.

Volunteers, we’re waiting for your input. You can cut and paste your old postings and make up the really good answer you always wanted to send to to the parent who writes “I just found out my eight-year old has ABCD and he got xxx on the XY test and where do I go and what do I do and is PQRST the right program for him or what?”

Send the stuff to me (and please watch out if I have to change my address!) and I’ll collate, edit, and pass on to Sue.

Waiting to hear from you

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 12/02/2001 - 3:26 AM



THANK YOU, to those of you willing and able to do this, to share your expertise and time.

I know it must take TIME, but let me tell you, as a new person to this forum, to the world of LD, some of this stuff does sound like a foreign language. I am VERY impressed with what I am reading and learning here (with the people) but it is a little overwhelming. Easy access to fundamental explanations, the very basics, would be so helpful.


Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 12/02/2001 - 9:42 PM


Good idea! I ,too, am new to this site. 20yrs. ago I was a TMH teacher , but have been out of it since then. I am unfamiliar with what these programs do, so I think this will be helpful. I visited a LD classroom at a public school several years ago, hoping to see some good materials, but I didn’t see anything particularly beneficial.

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