Many people with attention deficit disorder find that conforming to standard behavior in the workplace can be challenging. This article tells the story of Jane. Her story illustrates why conformity can be difficult, ways to identify problem areas, and how to navigate around them.
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
In her book, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner, Kathy Kuhl explains how she came to the realization that school wasn’t working for her son and decided to do what she never thought she could: stay home and teach him.
Students with language learning difficulties can learn foreign languages in school, when they have appropriate instructional modifications. This article looks at the kinds of students who may have difficulty successfully fulfilling a foreign language requirement in school, instructional methods that help, and additional adaptations at-risk students might need.
Learn to develop the evidence you need to support your belief that your child is not receiving the right help in school. Peter and Pamela Wright, from Wrightslaw, tell you how to interpret and chart your child’s test scores, graph your child’s progress, and successfully communicate with the educators who make decisions about your child.